Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A little dress up and lots of giggles

Somedays I think I can pack up the dress up clothes and pass them along to someone else's clutter. Then there are days like these pictures. The girls were doing a fashion/dance show. As you can see they were having a tough time choosing just one outfit. The names they were coming up with to describe themselves were hilarious. They had a lot of fun and I enjoyed hearing them laugh so hard together. Now if I could just bottle up that sound and moment for the times when they are not quite having so much fun together-the times where the squeals are not from giggles-yes those times do happen around here ;)
I am sure these two will just love these pictures someday!


Lisa Laxton said...

oh...what fun they are having!

Liz said...

It is funny what they come up with isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Gee, can you believe I remember when I played dress up? I loved it too. That's a girl thing.
Aunt Melba