Monday, February 16, 2009

Have you ever wondered........

What it would be like, how you would feel to be an internationally adopted child? I am reading this great book on parenting your internationally adopted child. I am loving it-it is much more clinical than parenting if that makes any sense-anyway I like it :) the author writes:
"You look around you. You are in a remote place in the middle of what seems like nowhere in particular. You have no maps or signs to tell you where you are. Suddenly you are surrounded by strangers, all of whom are overjoyed to see you. These people smile, laugh,and talk loud and fast, and they act as if you can understand them. they touch your hair, your face, your hands, and they hug you repeatedly. You notice they have  a peculiar order. Theydress differently than anyone you have ever met. Their language is unintelligible and sounds like gibberish. You have know clue how or why you are here. You have know idea if you will find your way back to your former life"    
Now how are you feeling? Is any part of your body tense? Any worries pop into your head? all I can say. Most likely these children have experienced trauma and stress to be in the situation they are in to be available for adoption and now they live thru this experience. These kids are amazing. Our kid is amazing! Adoption is the biggest life change a child will ever experience-sudden and complete immersion into a new culture, new life, and new people. The author of this book refers to this as "The Big Change"

These children must find ways to cope and there are so many ways they choose to cope with the stress and trauma they have endured. As parents we can feel our child's pain, literally. Think about if you or someone in your home comes home in a grumpy or foul mood. If they stomp around the house and continue on their grumpy path, it is not too long that someone else in the house is now joining in on the path of grumpiness. This transference of feelings this author describes as inducement (from the latin word 'led'). The parent is induced to experience the child's feelings. So how our daughter is dealing with all of the overstimulation in her new environment truly is leading us. For those of you who know her and have asked and know how I have felt the last few weeks.........well this idea explains a lot. 

We continue to be amazed at our beautiful daughter and the skills she has in order to survive. Adoption is both a challenge and an adventure.........filled with excitement, surprises, giggles and lots of learning. We are so honored that God has called us to be a part of this amazing world of adoption.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing.
Aunt M

Liz said...

That is very insightful - I imagine it is very strange for her regardless of the warm welcome she is receiving. Sometimes reading or hearing something from a third party really helps put it all into perspective. God brought you together for a reason.

Kristin said...

Thanks for sharing; the book sounds really good. If I make a priority to read at all soon, I will have to pick it up! Thanks for being honest with your feelings. Oh, and I love the picture that you posted today-your daughter is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I keep reading this and it really has to be scary for all that come to the good ole USA for a better life. Thank goodness Jennifer has such a loving family to care for her.
Aunt M