Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Brain...

Thank goodness for calendars, especially the kind that link to each other, the kind that I can carry in my pocket, the kind that let you set alarm reminders, and for a brain that has learned to put almost everything in it! I am not sure if it is 'mommy brain', my four darlings sucking my brain totally dry of the ability to remember, juggling their schedules, work, volunteering and subbing at their school-whatever the cause-I CANT REMEMBER things. I would love to share a list of things/events I have forgotten just in the last 2 weeks, but for some of you who read this I would be throwing myself under the bus (maybe for the second time) and I probably can't recall all I have forgotten!

This week and next is quite crazy in our house. On top of the usual holiday craziness-Big Sister is performing in Ballet Oklahoma's Nutcracker (which means 4 hour rehearsals on stage three nights this week and three nights next along with four performances-good thing she loves this and has such a wonderful attitude about being tired and missing out on other things), Big Sister also will be celebrating a birthday and is oh so excited about finally having a room/house big enough for a slumber party ('I'm only inviting 7 girls, Mom'), working at a church means lots of extra activities to prepare and be at the church for, and just to throw a bit more chaos into the next few weeks......J's anniversary (and all the 'fun' that comes with that-for those of you who read this and don't know about the 'fun' that comes along with celebrating an anniversary...feel free to ask me, but especially pray for us).

So my goal for the next few weeks is to remember to get the right kid to the right place and more importantly pick them up, finish the present shopping, enjoy the fun and fellowship of all the Christmas get togethers but most importantly to be still and prepare my heart for the arrival of the Christ child-providing both opportunities and being a model for my children to experience Christmas with their eyes focused on our Father.

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