Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Car Conversations...

These two were playing some game with their action figure/fairy each had brought along for the car ride:
Princess: "That's impossible"
Brother: "Nothing is impossible with God"
Princess: "Well then why did someone invent 'impossible'?"
Brother: (giggling) "Ma, you don't invent words"
Princess: "Well SOMEONE had to come up with the word and if nothing is impossible with God.....well...why did someone make up the word impossible if everything is possible if God wants it to if he wanted us to fly, he would have just spoken it and it we would all be able to need for special stuff"
Brother: "Huh, special stuff?"
Princess: "You know, no need for capes or special rocket booster shoes or anything....the sky might be a bit busy though."

I love listening to these two talk and play, they have such a unique bond. Unfortunately, they also know how to argue and bicker like any good sibling ;-)
(this picture was from a camping trip where he was teaching her how to shoot his toy gun)

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