Friday, November 5, 2010

Cleaning 101

WARNING: This post is about toilets, so if you don't want to read about ours then return another day ;-)

Oh the joys of multiple potties!!!!! We no longer have to stand in line for one, have our shower interrupted by someone (adding a not so 'clean' odor to the room), panic if the plunger doesn't seem to fix the clog, have to endure long nights of multiple sick ones crashing all on the tiny bathroom floor.......all these are a thing of the past and I am still only cleaning one toilet! Our new home has multiple toilets (AMAZING!) We are blessed beyond measure! Tonight the kiddos were assigned the task of cleaning their bathrooms, while under the watchful eyes of Momma. Our children have always helped clean, but never the toilet because I am using it and I want it clean to my standard ;-) Now that they are all upstairs and Momma has her own toilet, they get the privilege of cleaning their own. So over the last few weeks they have been asked to clean them but I haven't 'inspected' them. I figured since we have now been living here over a month, they might need a little adult attention. There must be something wrong with me but I enjoyed it-the comments they made, the questions they asked, the 'style' they used to was a new kind of Friday night entertainment. And I think Mom is a bit more appreciated for all the years I have cleaned their toilet. Without naming names....I think there might be a bit more daily attention paid to the happenings in the bathroom.
Friday night entertainment also included another rematch of swiffer hockey. The best $ spent to purchase more 'hockey sticks' Clean, dog hair free floors and happy, tired kids by the end of the game. A wonderful evening spent home as a family and I get to spend my Saturday enjoying the day instead of cleaning -laundry doesn't really count towards cleaning, or does it?......

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