Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hmmm......What to Post......

Well I could give you all a thousand reasons why I have not posted but they can all be lumped together in one word-laziness. Not that I have been sitting around being lazy, but life happens and the blog goes by the way side. However, this week especially I have been reminded of the power of words...their ability to encourage, to give hope, to lift another up, to keep in touch and to get to know another. The ladies bible study I am in is studying a book 'The Weight of Your Words'. It's as if God is using everything and everybody to get my attention right now about 'words'. Yeah, I am sometimes a bit of a slow learner and need to be hit upside the head or given a rainbow across the sky to get my attention (God is oh so faithful to this slow learner and has supplied these). In Ephesians, Paul writes: let no unwholesome talk come from your mouth, but only what is good for building another up......may they give grace to those that hear, encouragement for the moment. I have been challenged especially with the 'grace for the moment' part of this verse. The last few weeks have been challenging and I stopped counting the times that I can recall being anything but full of grace.

This week, I have been beyond blessed by the words of others, encouraged to know I am not alone on this journey of parenting (especially one with RAD), and I know my own writing can even be helpful to me.......so I am going to see if I can be a bit better at posting more than once a month or once every other month (think I have said that before). So if you have a topic/idea/thought for a post please share...if not plan to see some more pics of my kiddos.
To all those of you who have continued to check the blog despite the lack of posts-hope I brightened your day to see a post finally....to all of my new friends whom I will be meeting in person in a few short months welcome and I am looking forward to getting to know you! :-)


Anonymous said...

Glad you're 'back'! Who knows, maybe you'll inspire others to get back to blogging ;-)


Brandy-new rad mom said...

Sometimes this (blogging) is the only way we can feel "heard". It helps me out. If I did not blog I may explode.

Can't wait to meet you in March! I will be checking your blog :)

Sammie said...

Thanks for posting, as part of your new Orlando group, its great to see pictures of you and your family.

Renee @ FeedingOurLives.com said...

Great to see you back!