Saturday, January 31, 2009

The questions......

We knew that adopting would change the 'looks' of our family, that we would be the recipients of stares and wonderment. We even knew that we would have many questions asked of us and about us, however I am truly amazed at how ignorant and rude some people can be. Many of you know I am pretty much an open book and tell you what I think, especially when you ask. So when approached by these people, my self control is tested immensely. Please understand, we are willing to tell anyone the ins and outs of our adoption story in order to help another family decide if adoption is something for their family. However, we are not willing to tell you our adoption story, especially to total strangers-just because you are nosy :) In the last couple of days I have had the privilege of talking with ignorant/rude people. I am sure these people have good hearts (or some of them might) but they just do not think before they speak. I will give you an example, and hope that this person does not stumble upon my blog. Or perhaps, if they do they will realize how they sound. So hear is how the 'scene' went:
Asked by a mother whose child was participating in the same activity mine were:
"Which is yours?"
Me: The one in the blue and the one in the black.
Me: Yes, two.
"The black one?"
Me: (with as sweet as smile as possible) The little one wearing blue and the little one wearing black are both my daughters.
"Is SHE (referring to the one in black) adopted?"
Me: (with a big grin) Nope :)
Of course now I have totally confused the woman, but seriously-does it matter if she is adopted, if she is a foster child, if she is a relative ;)..........I had told her which TWO were my DAUGHTERS. It's not my fault if she chose not to listen. In case you wondering, I never explained any more.


Mom to Four said...

The pic is from August when we moved Jennifer from the orphanage -we are looking at pictures of her forever family.

Lisa Laxton said...

I have gotten to the point that I automatically assume adoption when I see obviously mixed families, which I guess is wrong of me also. Just be careful that you don't let yourself become overly sensitive to the comments of all because of the comments of some. Venting on here should help some also. ;)

Anonymous said...

JJ are so cruel ;-)
