Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another 'snow day'...another kiddo

Day three of no school, as if anyone is counting :) My niece has been out too, which means my sister has missed the last 2 days of work. Today she 'had' to go back to work-not sure for job security or her mental health......she had also been keeping a friends little girl the last two days. I think my sister decided work was a good idea today. All that to say I have my niece today, whom I love dearly and my children adore. Especially our princess-the girls are only 6 months apart and pretty much attached at the hip when they are together. They are full of giggles when they are together.
A little funny from the breakfast table.....the five of them were on their second bowl of oatmeal (which by the way is A LOT of oatmeal) and my niece asked to be excused. Little princess noticed she had some toast left and asked to eat it (apparently there is never enough food around here). So as she is eating it my niece smiles and says "I didn't want it anymore, I already licked the butter off!" These two crack me up-hopefully there are many more giggles to come today or maybe I will need a mental health day.


Liz said...

I can tell you after a day and a half of being home with Mary and trying to work from home I NEEDED to get back to work as well. 2 years olds are exhausting especially "spirited" ones. The toast story is hilarious!

Lisa Laxton said...

LOL...I had to laugh when I read my house the kids lick their food so no one else will eat it! I was messing with Josh the other day because he was trying to eat the last muffin. As I was goofing and trying to take it way from him, he quickly licked the entire top. He was sure to get to keep it that way! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice chuckle regarding all the kids. Now I guess I better get to work, I can't blame the weather in Arizona. Can't get my stupid work laptop to work this week at home, so I gotta run. Love you all.
Aunt Melba / Nana