Thursday, January 22, 2009

We are trying.........

For some reason people have requested for us to start a blog, so we have entered the blog world.  Guess our life has finally become chaotic enough that we are peaking your interest or maybe our life is just that entertaining and you could use a smile or a laugh courtesy of life raising our four children. We hope that through this blog we will be able to share the many ways God has blessed our family.  We are so grateful for and are continually amazed by God's miracles and His guiding hand in our lives. 

Hopefully someone in our house will keep this updated among all the 'free time' and hopefully a picture or two might appear (if someone is smart enough to figure that out). As we figure this whole blogging thing out-be patient-cause it might take a bit to get another post up.

Thanks for stopping by and for those of you who we do not get to see often-hope this helps in staying connected and getting to see a glimpse into the daily happenings of the Waggoners.

1 comment:

Lisa Laxton said...

Happy Birthday to yooouuuu...Happy Birthday to yoooouuu!!! Hope you have a great one!