Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life with 2 Kindergartners

Their teacher is an angel. An amazing woman who has embraced the challenge of teaching two Waggoners at the same time. One is learning what school is all about in America, vastly different from her school experience in Ghana. She is learning about following directions, how to be a part of a line, how to take turns, when to listen and when to speak. She has learned so much in her first week of school. She has also learned that sitting in the 'vacation chair' at school is not something to come home bragging about. She is amazing us at her ability to adapt to such a new environment. She loves life and her constant smile displays it.
Big Brother has been his sweet spirited self and has taken to having a sister in class remarkably well. He has risen to the challenge. He seems to take just enough care of his sister without bossing her around. He is concerned for her well being, wants her to succeed, offers to help but allows her to explore, learn and make mistakes on her own. He has such a big heart.
The after school question of "How was your day?" now is a bit more interesting. There are two sets of eyes and ears experiencing the same classroom. Needless to say getting the after school report  sometimes has many versions. But today I heard perhaps the best report I will ever hear. Tears were brought to the eyes of their teacher............she shared that she was told today by our daughter "Jesus died on the cross for ME!" and she went on to say that very cross was in her church. Not so sure about that second part, but we are delighted in knowing she is confidently sharing her faith. While we are hoping for her to learn many things in life, she has learned  the most important. These two kindergartners are so outspoken about their faith. They both have such amazing understandings of their Heavenly Father.
Knowing some days the after school report is not full of 'good news', hopefully their teacher and us will remember today's after school report.


Mom to Four said...

trying to figure out this comment thing-apparently some have been unable to comment-so I am giving it a try to see if it will work

Lisa Laxton said...

Seems to be working now! You are are now the blog tech support. Good Job!