Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Day

In some places schools are closed for Snow Days, in the our great state they are closed for Ice. With snow, you can at least go outside and make snowmen, snow angels and have snowball fights. With ice, you are stuck inside unless you would like to chance skating down the front steps and driveway and attempt to 'slide' your car somewhere that is most likely closed. All that to say we are spending some time quality time indoors. Courtesy of some new presents we have been having a lot of fun playing new games and putting together toys. We plan on venturing out later-so hopefully there will be a few pics to pass along.

1 comment:

Lisa Laxton said...

We don't even have any ice here yet and they closed school early to make sure the buses are back in the barn before it hits here. Who knows what will happening the morning.