Saturday, May 2, 2009

This week...

A quick little update-not too exciting. This week in the Waggoner house has seemed to have lasted FOREVER!!! And not in a good way. Nothing horrible to report, just not a great week and one that dragged on. This weekend was a bit full as well but the rain helped clear the schedule a bit for today-no race and no soccer game-however chaotic ballet pictures were still a go. Next weekend is the recital, which means in two weeks all the extra activities/practices will be over-which means the lazy days of summer are quickly approaching! Lazy days-who am I kidding, we have four kids who don't sleep in. Trying to get them all signed up for a week of fun that interests them-still looking for one. 

Thought I would share a silly pic, taken while I was taking some pictures of a friends kiddos. They have dirty faces and clothes from being at school all day-but they were in such silly moods, I couldn't help but snap a few of them. They were great entertaining each other while I took pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute picture. Happy faces. Can't believe school is already almost finished and summer almost here. Time flies.
Aunt Melba