Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fun in the Rain

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when we thought we would need to start building an Ark around here. It seriously rained for DAYS on end, and it was a toss up as to who might lose their mind first in our house. On one of the days when it was not storming, hailing, or tornados in the know just plain 'ol rain-the kids spent the afternoon playing with umbrellas. I think they forgot what the umbrellas are really used for-they came in quite wet. However, they were out of the house, having fun and getting along-what more could a Mom ask for. The princess is in a 'fancy dress' because it was the day of her Mother's Tea at school. (One reader might recognize that dress, which is one of her favorites!)

Thankfully the weather recently has been amazingly beautiful here and we have spent a ton of time outside, including our first swim of the season this afternoon. I thought the water was a bit chilly but it didn't seem to slow the kids down after the initial shock as they jumped in. J has definitely changed her attitude towards water, she no longer fears it and I think will become quite the fish this summer.


Lisa Laxton said...

I thought she looked quite dressed up for a romp in the rain. Kylie loves to play in the rain also.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Mudd also noticed how dressed up she was. Looks like great fun.
Aunt Melba