Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kindergarten Program

Jennifer and Kade had their kindergarten program today and tonight at school. Their program was "All About Me" singing songs about what they were able to do and what they had learned this year. Their music teacher does such a great job with their school programs. The kids were all smiles and enjoyed themselves. Thankfully their teacher placed them 'together' Kade just above Jennifer so I was able to get them both in the same pictures. Kade had a speaking part and spoke very clearly, with emotion and even got a few giggles from the audience-he was so proud. Jennifer had a 'star' moment as well during a color song-she represented what you were to do if you were wearing black-something about tilting your head back-as you can see from the picture. They both enjoyed performing and it looked like at times as if Jennifer were the star of the show-in her mind I am sure she thought she was. As we were watching the program, we thought about how much the world has changed for J. We still find it hard to believe that just four months ago she was in Ghana-Amazing! She continues to amaze us. We are very proud of them both. Hope you enjoy the pics.


Lisa Laxton said...

2 stars are born!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Looks like they are having fun. Kade looks like a great speaker.
Aunt Melba