Sunday, May 10, 2009


We had a great day spent with family. Here are a few pics of the kids holding their cousin on their first meeting from the other day and some from this afternoon as all the Grandkids posed for a "photo shoot". If I were smart enough to know how to post pictures a better way I would-so if you have any tips, please share, because I can only do a few per post-not sure why.

Princess and her 'best friend' who happens to be her cousin and proud new big sister.


Kristin said...

How fun to have a new baby for Mother's Day! The kids all looked like they had so much fun and hopefully you did too.

Regarding the pictures, after you upload the initial 5, then you can do another 5 and so on.

Hope that helps!

Lisa Laxton said...

Aw..I can't wait to meet our newest little family member! What a great day...

Liz said...

First enable your blogger account with email then send the post as an email to that address and attach pictures. I usually select my pictures in the "send to" menu select (select what you want and right click) the smaller size option (large document third down) and then write my test for the post in the email. Sounds harder than it is.

Anonymous said...

They are all so precious. Email me the one of all the kids, I can't get it to enlarge so I can copy it.
Aunt Melba