Monday, March 15, 2010

Another Great Car Conversation

I think I live in my car somedays, especially with driving out to the house to check progress (or lack there of) everyday. This also means the kids are in the car a lot. I try to strike up some 'good' conversations so as to keep everyone sane and not from killing each other with all our togetherness. Not sure how this particular conversation was started but it went a bit like this......
Brother: You know how you can't get to all the can't get to the other side of the universe even on a space rocket..........and you can't get to Heaven until you die...........I think maybe Heaven is on the other side of the universe.............what do you think?
Princess: Bubba, that is what you call a hypothesis............that's your hypothesis.
Brother: It's my what!?
Princess: I Sa-id (with a bit of a sassy attitude) that is your HY.POTH.ESIS!
(I am trying to drive down the road with my eyes filled with tears from laughing so hard at the whole conversation, that my 6 year old is the one using the 'big' words that come freely flowing from Big Sister's mouth all the time and Brother is yet again weaving his faith into his everyday thoughts)
Big Sister to Princess: Do you even know what that means? (said in a loving but shocked voice)
Me: Well, she used it in the right way, my guess is yes.
Princess: (proudly) YES, it is an educated you think an experiment is going to turn out..........and everyone can have their's Bubba's guess about where Heaven is since we don't know
Brother: Well Mom what do you think about my hipoth........hipoth...... (giggles) whatever Ma said
Me: I think I have some very wise children!


Liz said...

They are wise and entertaining!

Anonymous said...

LOL.... thanks for sharing. I couldn't help laughing as I read it. Smart kids.
Aunt Melba