Thursday, March 12, 2009


Jennifer had to get another round of shots today, and let's just say neither one of us were looking forward to it. The last round included me basically laying on her and by the end of the day her legs didn't 'work'-or so she tried to make her teacher believe. (btw-thanks for being sympathetic-wonderful Kind. teacher, would rather error on the side of sympathy) Which I must say she is quite the skilled actor. However, she was 'miraculously' healed when faced with the possibility of missing church and staying home to nurse her legs back to health. All that to say, I was a bit dreading this morning. Trying my hardest to see if some other caring adult wanted to take my place-no takers-what a shock. So armed with prayer I faced the appointment accompanied by the Princess, whom I tried to prepare her for what she would probably see and hear from Jennifer. She was very cooperative throughout the check up and told the doctor she knew she was going to be getting 4 shots and was not thrilled with that idea and tried to protest. I must admit I was really trying to prepare myself for a 'fight' with another holding down of my child. However, what started as a bit of a struggle turned into a moment that I am so proud of her. I asked her to look at my eyes-something she hears often-and held her hands then put my face cheek to cheek with hers and asked her to close her eyes. The nurse was great about telling her what she was doing-rubbing the alcohol on and a "quick poke" and worked very fast. Our little girl did not shed a tear-not one!!! I am sure the whole office could hear us celebrating her accomplishment and how brave she had been. What a total change from our last experience. She faced a tough situation-maintained control and conquered in a big way. We then went out for a celebratory lunch-where else other than Ckik-Fila for her favorite chicken and french fries(not rice) complete with dipping it all in SALSA!! So proud of her! and I am hoping for another successful trip next month-yep more to come.


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like she did better than I did when I had to get shots for Africa!!

Go Jennifer!!


Lisa Laxton said...

She is such a big girl! We are all very proud of you Jennifer! Needles are not my favorite either...but I have found that it isn't the actual shot as much as it is the THOUGHT of the shot.

Anonymous said...

Her kind and gentle teacher loves her so very much and doesn't want to be fooled/tricked by her acting skills, but... I am much better than I was but am still a sucker for her amazing smile!

Mom to Four said...

Thanks beloved teacher :) Her smile is amazing and priceless and its probably a good thing-I know it has kept her 'from trouble' many times. WE so appreciate your love for both our kindergartners. Hope you are having a relaxing spring break.