Thursday, May 27, 2010

What a heart...

Proudly showing off the Game Ball he earned.

His first hit-a triple!
Coming home-making sure he had touched home plate.
So excited-celebrating on the way to the coach-who was jumping up and down with excitement for him. Blessed by some amazing coaches who are teaching a lot more than 'just baseball'.

We could not be any prouder of Brother. He has given it his all in baseball this season, stepping into a sport he has never played. After breaking his arm after the first practice, he spent the first game on the bench and in the role of bat boy and PLAYED the 2nd game of the season! Amazing....what we thought was going to be a REALLY long season with hopes of getting to play a game or two once the cast came off...the schedule was in our favor 3 weeks of games then 2 weeks of byes. Thanks to the crazy weather and tornados here (missing our new house by 1/2 mile and Tony's work by about 1 mile) a few games were cancelled. So after weeks in a cast, he has learned to throw again (fyi-if your kiddo breaks his/her throwing arm-do not let them discover a new way to throw with the casted arm) and is fighting through his tight arm muscles to swing the bat. This boy continues to amaze us with his heart and determination. He was 'rewarded' tonight with getting the honor of leading off the batting, getting a hit and ran his little legs off to third, and earning the game ball. I think he also had the entire stands cheering for him when he hit the ball-great team of parents. The coaches have gone above and beyond in teaching our little man about baseball, always making sure he has been included even while not being able to play and giving him extra attention to 'catch up' now that his cast is off.
Looking forward to the rest of the baseball season........well I think I am-there are 3 games next week and it is getting more humid and hotter around here by the minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a great story- one to cherish forever!!! He is an amazing little boy!