Saturday, May 29, 2010

Missing One

This week Dad is out of the country serving in Haiti. A few months ago he told me about this trip and asked what I thought. Of course I said GO! But then again I am the girl who has always gone and wanted to 'go' any where to serve, anytime-anyplace. Missions is one of my passions, unfortunately something about being the mother to 4 slows the 'going places' to serve down a bit. Tony, however, is not the 'goer' nor is he the social guy who wants to be part of the group. Give him a quiet pond to fish in or a field to hunt in and nobody to talk to and he is definitely a 'goer'! So when he said 'I think I should go' with a group he did not know, to a place he has never been......I thought God is at work and was ready to pack his bags. Both of us knew that God was telling him to go and serve, opening doors and putting neon signs up just to make sure we got the message. Once again we didn't know the why of what God was calling us to do but indeed it was something we should do. Just in last days before he left did we start to see maybe the reason-he said 'God is saying escape.....concentrate only on me....serve my my hands and feet'. With running a really busy company (now that the weather has turned hot) building a house and being Dad- his plate has been overflowing (as in out the door by around 5:30AM and working until at least 9PM). I am praying that this week will recharge his batteries, refresh his spirit, that he will be able to truly unplug from the world, for him to be able to spend an abundance of time in the presence of the Lord and for him to have an open mind/heart to what God will be showing/teaching/revealing to him. Praying for the people he will be serving and helping, that they see Christ thru him. Thanks for joining me in prayer for him, the team he is with and selfishly for me too it's the first week of summer vacation (too much change for one little one), painting the house and trying to keep things moving with the construction of our new home. Hoping Tony will write a post or two on his return.

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