Saturday, May 29, 2010

Look who has earrings and a new hairdo!

Hell0 Kitty Earrings

Big Sister and Princess have been longing for the week after the dance recital (need to post some pictures of that, someday) so they could cut their hair cut and their ears pierced. The cutting off of hair has become somewhat of a tradition, after needing it to be long enough for french braids and bun for recital time. Last Saturday we headed to get the hair cut first, so they wouldn't have tender ears, and then headed to the mall. Since the earrings have to stay in for 6-8 weeks and no earrings are allowed at the recital to protect the girls on pointe, about 2 months ago when they brought the idea up we marked the date on the calendar. Princess went first and was SO brave, even with a little mishap when the back of one of the earrings had to be put back on-OUCH! I thought for sure Big Sister would change her mind after watching, but she didn't! We had a fun girly morning and lunch too.

(Just in case you are wondering: J already has her ears pierced and according to her memory they "didn't use a gun to pierce my ears and it didn't hurt like yours".....really 'cause I am thinking that whatever they pierced with in the village HAD to hurt way worse-glad she doesn't remember. She spent the morning serving alongside Daddy, helping pick up some of the mess leftover from one of the recent tornadoes. Brother spent the morning at baseball practice and hanging out with Oma)

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