Monday, February 1, 2010

Car Conversations

The other day while driving with the Princess we passed a big building:
Princess: What is that.........a church?
Mom: Yes it is
Princess: Wow, that is a pretty big church
Mom: Yep
Princess:..................Mom, why does Oma's church have a stage with a curtain?
Mom: Because they used to have a school there and I bet they had programs like the big kids school does (we went there for a fundraising meal in November-why the thought came up now-no clue)
Princess:Is that where they praise God?
Mom: will you say that again, I didn't hear you
Princess: Is that where they meet to praise God? the room with the stage?
Mom: Are you asking is that where they have church services on Sunday morning, then no-they have a different building where they have services

I LOVE this kid- she continues to amaze me! She didn't ask if that is where they had 'church' or 'met on Sunday morning' or 'had services' she asked me is that where they 'met to praise God'! Wonder how many adults think about where they go to praise God, on the way to church on Sunday mornings after getting everyone fed, dressed and out the door hopefully somewhat on time-are we thinking about going to praise God, when you pass by a church do you wonder where they meet to praise God? Have you invited anyone to church recently? Maybe you should invite them to meet with you to praise God!

Giving thanks for another lesson from a small child of God-so blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thoughts of a child can be amazing. They can really teach us a lot if we take the time to listen. You and Tony are doing a wonderful job teaching your children about God. He is always with them and in their thoughts.

Aunt Melba