Thursday, July 9, 2009

A compliment......I think

Kade was spending some one on one time with a set of his grandparents, they were watching Wipeout when I came to pick him up. Of course he was not ready to leave and wanted to finish watching the show. We do not watch a lot of TV around here, especially during 'primetime' However, the giggles this show caused in Kade might make it worth it. For those of you who live under a rock like me, Wipeout is a show about adults trying to make it through crazy obstacles competing against one another in the hopes of winning some money.
On the ride home, Kade said "Momma, how come kids can't be on that show?" Followed by, "When I grow up, Momma will you be on the show with me....I think we would make a great team and be able to get through all of the challenges." My response-"I would love to be on that show with you, and I do we think we make a great team" He even came up with a team name for us-The Spear and the Sword-Why? "You're tall and skinny, like the spear...........and I am shorter and tougher like the sword." It's official my little gentleman knows how to get what he out the compliments to mom. :) I even got asked out on a date.
He is my one and only little boy and as much as he likes to have his 'guy time' with his Dad and Grandpas I am so glad he loves to hang out with his Mommy. He is growing into quite the young man, he has such a sweet spirit who deeply cares for others especially his family and his child like faith continues to amaze me. I am so blessed by having him as my son and love watching him grow long as that doesn't happen too quickly. Who knows, maybe one day we just might be on Wipeout for you all to get some good laughs on our behalf.


Lisa Laxton said...

We have seen that show a few times and it is good for a few great laughs!

Anonymous said...

This post brought tears to my eyes. I can just hear his voice saying that to you. He IS precious and very loving. You are not only blessed with a wonderful young man, but he is equally blessed with a fabulous momma! :o)