Thursday, July 22, 2010

Still Reading?

Maybe someday I will post consistently......until then I guess check in sporadically and there might be something here to see or read ;-) For those of you who are wanting house pics/updates, hope to get some pics up soon, no we haven't moved in. I wanted to share a few pics from my recent trip to Ghana-my home away from home-I love that country!
Meet Fastina-an amazing woman with an incredibly big servant's heart-I admire this mommy of four, preacher's wife, seamstress, chef, who's love for God shines thru in everything she does.
The hours spent in the truck on the bumpy roads of Ghana with these 2 caused many aches and pains-from being bounced/shoved around and from abdominal muscles never meant to laugh so hard for so long! Amazing heart these two have for the Ghanaian people, love serving along side them.
Francis-my Ghanaian brother. Servant who consistently puts others needs/comfort first, has a huge heart for pregnant mothers-making sure everyone he saw received a net, and protector of his American friends.
Pediatric ward in a hospital we visited-80% of the patients are there because of malaria!!!
Want to help do something about that for $6, visit here:
One of the countless smiles, pure joy, contentment, happiness-the spirit of the Ghanaian people continues to amaze me, inspire me and something I long for.

1 comment:

Meg said...

love this post...this last pic of the precious little baby brings tears and laughter to my face!